Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is something we should all use. Powerful and easy to use, it allows for meetings and consultations whenever we want with whomever we want. We just need to make sure it’s secure.
As our Knowledge Base article points out three of the more popular video conferencing systems are:
Fee for 40 minute meetings and there are monthly paid packages. It requires installation for base user and participants. Or you can connect by phone. (In July 2019, technologists found a vulnerability in the Zoom Mac Client that made it susceptible to being hacked.)
Free trial for two weeks. After that, it’s a paid service. Installation is required. Phone connection is available.
Always free and open source. No download required. (This is the one we
Remember that, although all three do computer to server encryption, GoToMeeting and Zoom allow (and even encourage) phone connection and that makes both insecure — they can be tapped, interrupted and captured. Jitsi is the most secure in that regard. But keep in mind, that even with jitsi, a provider can give up your information or allow eavesdropping because the encryption can only take place between computer and provider. So choose the provider carefully.

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